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Shelf and basic knowledge


Light shelves: mainly by the column, steel plate, bearing capacity is usually 50KG - 150KG/ layer, suitable for manual access of goods, can be used with plastic turnover box
More varieties of products, widely used in electronic industry and small parts warehouse. Can be changed through the spray powder or laying special rubber plate anti-static function, has the advantages of low cost,
Safe, reliable, simple, easy to assemble, can be used alone, also can be free to splice into a variety of arrangements. Increase the universal wheel mechanism can be achieved even in the transport function at anchor.
The advantages and the function of the attic shelves, the utilization rate is very high.
The advantages and the role of the attic shelf, warehouse utilization rate is very high and the choice and characteristics of the attic shelf system, the attic shelves, such as the construction of a tall building, the shelf into two layers, three layers of,
Four or more, so the warehouse shelves can be filled with the whole space, the amount of storage of the product has been improved, although the first investment funds are relatively high, but if your company's warehouse
Floor is very high, it is more cost-effective!
The advantages and the role of the attic type rack, warehouse utilization rate is very high and the choice and characteristics of the attic shelf system,
The attic shelves, such as the construction of a tall building, put the shelf into two layers, three layers, four or more, so the warehouse shelves can be filled with the whole space, the amount of storage of the product has been raised
High, although the first investment funds are relatively high, but if your company's warehouse floor is very high, it is more cost-effective!
The bracket of the platform is composed of a walking platform using a column and a beam. The use of the walking platform will be fully utilized in the height of the warehouse space, the maximum access to additional storage space. In this department
The storage capacity of the system is determined by the square of the ground so that we can optimize the storage utilization of the shelf system. This is very effective for warehouse shelf system solutions, all
The company did not use a good warehouse space. Product advantage, and our company can use the forklift at any time.
In this system, a clear product classification, so that the shelf system is very easy to give us to help prepare for a variety of orders and storage of different types of products can be easily handled. Whole group
Pieces can be broken down, easy to assemble so there is this need, and can easily carry them to different places.


Tool car

Tool cabinet

Work table






Copyright ? Dongguan City, Ming Wei Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd.
Address: Dongguan city Humen Huaide Yayao Industrial Zone
Tel:0769- 8535 7895  Phone:136 0968 5306